Using hymns as prayer

Do you ever get stuck wondering what to pray about? What words can you use? How can you speak to God when you're not even sure what to say? Maybe you could pick up the Bible and look for prayers to say. You could use Google to find a multitude of prayers to read. But as it turn as out, you may already have a few prayers in your head. Many hymns are specifically written for adoration or prayer. Do you have a favorite hymn -- one of which you might know at least one verse? Try using that as a prayer! You can pull out a hymnal to find one or google the lyrics of your favorite hymns.

This Sunday's anthem is an arrangement of the hymn "Take My Life." The lyrics provide a beautiful prayer of commitment. Click the song title to hear Tommy Walker's arrangement, or click here to see the lyrics. Then, tell us your favorite hymns or hymn lyrics in the comment section below!


Listen to this Sunday's hymns below!

187 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (BRADBURY)

451 Open My Eyes, That I May See (Scott)

(Insert) He Leadeth Me (Bradbury)

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